
Showing posts from April, 2021
  DRSOFT Terms of service Categories 9 Solid Reasons Why You Need to Use a VPN as a Blogger UPDATED: NOVEMBER 13, 2020 If you run an online business, such as a blog, you expose yourself to online attacks. By using a VPN service, you can protect your sensitive data and keep your business safe. Chances are you heard about VPNs before but you might've never wondered “Why do I need a VPN?”. There's a misconception that only hackers and people who got something to hide online are using VPN services. Hackers do, indeed, use VPNs to hide their traces online. But it doesn't mean that a VPN service is only useful for internet users who are trying to hide something. A VPN can be of great help for individuals, too. Especially for those running online businesses like a blog. It's all about protecting your PRIVACY In today's world, VPNs are becoming more and more popular. You may think the only reason to use a VPN is if you're doing something illegal and want to cover your t